Repairing A Sexless Marriage Is Possible, Here's How


Sex is important in a relationship. Is it everything? Absolutely not. But sexual intimacy between two partner's can be the key difference between a happy or unhappy relationship.

Relationships can be challenging and overwhelming. It seems as if at every turn, there is something getting in the way and testing the relationship or marriage. However, when you add in a sexless marriage, it can feel like the tip of the iceberg is about to hit the ship.

Every couple will be different with what they deem is important when it comes to sexual intimacy. Some couples are ok with only being intimate a few times a month. Others will feel as if more is definitely necessary.

The details on that don't really matter. What does matter is that you are here because for whatever reason, sex has left your marriage. It is not a hopeless matter you should give up on - because a sexless marriage can always be repaired. Here's how.

Tips For Repairing A Sexless Marriage

Start the conversation

That elephant in the room is always going to remain an elephant if no one is talking about. Is it uncomfortable to bring up? Undoubtedly. But, the conversations we need to have are the ones that are sometimes the hardest to begin.

Successful communication within a relationship is crucial to the longevity of it. So when you aren't being intimate, start by asking your partner why they think that is. Are they just really stressed at work and can't focus on anything outside of it? Do they feel rundown or too low on energy?

Let them know that you are concerned about how little you two are meeting up in this way. They likely might be feeling the same way that something is wrong but just don't know how to approach it with you.

Don't Place Blame

If your marriage has lost that romantic spark, you could be wondering if something more is going on with them. Or maybe you are blaming yourself. Wondering if they are no longer attracted to you in that way.

Maybe you have your suspicions, but when it comes to bringing the subject up, never blame them or yourself for this. Being accusatory, especially when it comes to sex, can end up sending the wrong message and end up causing conflict, unintentionally.

Try To Work On Intimacy Elsewhere

When most people hear the word intimacy, our minds immediately go to sexual intimacy. But there are so many other ways to be intimate with someone.

Work on your emotional intimacy, Reconnect with one another by just talking. Spend quality time together by just talking over a cup of coffee or at night while you are watching tv.

It will sound elementary, but remember what it feels like to just touch one another. To hold hands while sitting on the couch, or to give each other a long embrace after a hard day. Physical touch doesn't always have to lead to the bedroom. So when sex isn't present, physically being close to one another can help bring that spark back eventually.

Finding Other Ways To Repair A Sexless Marriage

When you are lacking sexual intimacy, you might feel as if there is no hope to repairing it. Sometimes, the issues with sex that you are facing has nothing to do with the act itself. It can sometimes be something deeper going on between the two you. Lack of communication, stress, and even work can make sexual intimacy hard to achieve.

It might feel uncomfortable, but working with a certified sex therapist can help you and your partner work through the roots to get back to one another in a new and exciting way. I encourage you to reach out to me for sex therapy or to contact me if you have any questions.


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